Why is this called an iMovie project?

“Why is this an iMovie project?” 

This question came from one of the students in the class where I am working.  A puzzling question to me, the teacher, because I thought we had talked about our learning journey.

I, too, had been thinking about this learning journey; where are we really heading?…

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iBooks Author….so much more than a textbook

A clear aim with the introduction of iBooks Author was to transform the creation and distribution of textbooks in education. This may be true, but there are many more applications for this software.  For my EDCI 591 Learning and Integrating Technology assignment I have been learning about e-books and how to navigate iBooks Author (create, customize and publish). …

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Productive Learning is a Process

As part of my learning to integrate technology into the literacy classroom, I’m considering the goals for myself and the students.  And as always asking many questions.  Using Will Richardson’s questions from his recent article in Educational Leadership as a springboard, I considered my own:

What do students need to know to be successful in the future?…

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What Did I Learn in School Today?

On Wednesday March 13th my answer would have been that I learned TWO new things but as I reflect back on that day I realize that I learned so much more !  I have been learning (alongside my students, my colleague Sarah and her grade 2 students) about Livescribe pens and incorporating them into my English First Peoples 10 class.…

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Back to the Drawing Board Part Two

In a previous post I wrote about  how we traveled to see our reading buddies and recorded them retelling a story to us.  Unfortunately, only one group  successfully recorded the retelling.  We sure learned a lot in this process!

As a class we played back the recording by touching the pen to the page–we were able to hear the students talk and draw. …

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iMovie Trailer– Livescribe Pens Coming Soon……

My class and I made an iMovie trailer today after our Grade 2 buddies from Eagle View Elementary visited our English class.  If you are interested in viewing it please click on the link below.  Our little buddies retold the story to us and we recorded it with the Livescribe pens. …

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Left? Right? Which BRAIN is learning?

Brain Building in Progress

Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Creative Commons License

Generally speaking, I’m usually good at learning the technical aspects of something.  Learning the steps to making a great layup in basketball for example is easy, I can even put them together and do a technically near perfect attempt.  …

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Exploring….very quickly.

Every since I owned an Apple computer I loved learning the applications. With a little exploring, research and experimentation they could make you look like a computer genius.  I could create projects that looked almost professional and I could teach the students as well. …

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Researching e-books for the iPad

I have spent the past few weeks researching the e-book options available for the iPad.  I had a couple of motives for doing this research.  Professionally, I wanted to learn how our school could integrate e-books available on the iPad into our teaching and classrooms. …

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