Curation – Professional Learning Project – Part 2

Stacia Johnson and I have been learning independently and working together to formulate an understanding and practical knowledge of curation and curation platforms.  I ended my last post with these thoughts.

What are my next steps?  How will I engage myself in my inquiry?  

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Terms of Service not Terms of Endearment

I came away from the ETMOOC session Who Owns Your Education Data? (and Why Does it Matter?) hosted by Audrey Watters informed and realizing I need to sharpen this area of my digital literacy skills.

Being a principal I am constantly bombarded by standardized testing that aims to collect data. …

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Open Ed dropout..and drop-in

 dropout [ˈdrɒpˌaʊt] n
1. (Social Science / Education) a student who fails to complete a school or college course
2. (Sociology) a person who rejects conventional society
3. (Team Sports / Rugby) drop-out Rugby a drop kick taken by the defending team to restart play, as after a touchdown
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Relationships-A School Foundation “Becoming a Networked Educational Leader”

I have only been an elementary school principal for two years. Most of my educational experience comes from a decade of teaching. Before I became principal I had no administrative experience or mentorship. Consequently, there have been many challenges along the way but the positive experiences have far outweighed the adverse moments.…

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Exploring….very quickly.

Every since I owned an Apple computer I loved learning the applications. With a little exploring, research and experimentation they could make you look like a computer genius.  I could create projects that looked almost professional and I could teach the students as well. …

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Professional Learning Project (The Beginning)

Well… we have officially started our project! Both Dianne and I are collaborating on this project together as our research interests are very similar.  We both have always looked at ways of incorporating culture and technology into our teaching so we wanted to include both of these elements into this assignment.…

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Disconnected and Disengaged

The last month has been a whirlwind of becoming connected using technology.  Prior to January, the only social media/online media I was connected to was Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, Skype and Pinterest.  Now, I have added Twitter, Diigo, Educreations, ETMOOC, Goggle +, Google hangout, LinkedIn and this additional blog.…

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Playing with Prezi – The Plan for Learning

The Learning Plan for my EDCI 515 course through UVic Masters of Ed.  I will credit and thank S. Johnson for recognizing the researcher trait and the sharing tendency in me and inviting me on this journey with her.

With some help from Valerie Irvine and the #etmooc Blackboard session and some really great blogposts from Howard RheingoldRobin Good, and Beth Kanter, I feel like I’m on my way.…

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