I am continuing to reflect on my learning within the clmooc environment. The learning curve in clmooc has not been as steep as either MoocMooc or ETMOOC as indicated by my prezi contribution of a few weeks ago. I’m not feeling guilty anymore because I don’t post on everyone’s contribution, I don’t always do all the work, and I am more forgiving of my mistakes.…
Tag Archives: Prezi
Why is this called an iMovie project?
“Why is this an iMovie project?”
This question came from one of the students in the class where I am working. A puzzling question to me, the teacher, because I thought we had talked about our learning journey.
I, too, had been thinking about this learning journey; where are we really heading?…
Take Aways
Sadly this is the last week of ETMOOC. I had fun and learned lots. For my last “assignment” I wanted to create something that combined images, text, music and voice so I tried several new tools to do this – Prezi, Screencastomatic, voice memos on my phone and finally loaded the result to YouTube.…
Coming Full Circle with Digital Storytelling in #etmooc
After dabbling with digital storytelling last week as part of the work I’m doing as a learner in #etmooc, the Education Technology and Media MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) organized by University of Regina professor of educational and media Alec Couros and several “co-conspirators,” I circled back on the theme in a more focused and serious way.…
Breaking Digital Illiteracy
I am intrigued by the concept of digital literacy. Well, I guess it’s not a new concept – we just have easier access to tools for both creating and sharing. There’s really no excuse for not taking advantage of these tools, either… so why do I still consider myself digitally illiterate?…
Digital Storytelling Resources and Scratch Animation
I’m so excited about our new section in the MOOC I have been a part of, #etmooc. As an educator that has worked at the middle school level, undergraduate and graduate level, there a few things I have found to be more empowering and exciting than introducing digital storytelling to audiences that have not experienced the pleasure before.…
Blogging with your students
I have updated my Prezi that I use to introduce teachers to blogging to include teacher and class blogs by subject area. Since I work with secondary school teachers, they often want to see an example in their subject. If you have or know of a great class blog that I should include, please let me know in the comments.…
Connecting: One Last Thought – Connectivism and the Introvert
Still trying to catch up with things, I’m listening to Sue Waters talk about the ins and outs of Blogging with Your Students and I am thinking about my class website/blog and all the trouble I’ve been having getting my students to blog.…
Playing with Prezi – The Plan for Learning
The Learning Plan for my EDCI 515 course through UVic Masters of Ed. I will credit and thank S. Johnson for recognizing the researcher trait and the sharing tendency in me and inviting me on this journey with her.
With some help from Valerie Irvine and the #etmooc Blackboard session and some really great blogposts from Howard Rheingold, Robin Good, and Beth Kanter, I feel like I’m on my way.…
HEEEeeeeeerrr’s …
Introducing myself for #etMOOC orientation week
My first project with the revamped Prezi
View at http://prezi.com/1fsnozgyimvg/who-is-jim/ if the embedded player doesn’t work.…