Author Archives: wilsonteacher
Breaking Digital Illiteracy
I am intrigued by the concept of digital literacy. Well, I guess it’s not a new concept – we just have easier access to tools for both creating and sharing. There’s really no excuse for not taking advantage of these tools, either… so why do I still consider myself digitally illiterate?…
Networking: Food for Thought
This evening I participated in my first large-scale Twitter chat as part of #etmooc, (which, if you haven’t been following, is a great online educational technology professional development experience).
The conversation summarized some of the topics we’ve been talking about for the last week, such as introducing ourselves, acknowledging our PLN (professional learning network), how/what we share, and how we contribute to the learning of others.…
On Sharing
Tonight in #etmooc, the appropriately-named educator Dean Shareski, @shareksi talked about the importance of teachers sharing.
Were it not for sharing, our jobs would be infinitely more difficult. I’m grateful for the mentors who have shared lessons and ideas with me.…
Students Are Ahead of the Game
Several years ago, cellphones started appearing en masse in schools and the immediate reaction was to have students put them away. Later, as cellphones developed into smartphones and students harnessed the power of texting, roaming data and social media, some schools continued to react in the same way, demanding students not use devices in class.…