On Sharing

Tonight in #etmooc, the appropriately-named educator Dean Shareski, @shareksi talked about the importance of teachers sharing.

Were it not for sharing, our jobs would be infinitely more difficult. I’m grateful for the mentors who have shared lessons and ideas with me. I’m grateful for students who share their opinions. I’m grateful for the Internet – the solution to all life’s last-minute-I-need-a-lesson problems.

But sharing takes many different forms, (and I appreciate them all):

  • Students sharing ideas through discussion and feedback
  • Visitors and guests sharing expertise within the classroom
  • Colleagues sharing in places like the etmooc bloghub

I encourage all teachers to participate in sharing. It could be by providing lessons online, (mine are available at www.wilsonteacher.ca – feel free to use whatever is there in any way you’d like!), sharing videos and links, or even through participating in #etmooc discussions.

Again, from #etmooc:

“Don’t feel guilty if you don’t do everything, feel guilty if you don’t do anything”

We have a collective wealth of knowledge and we should be working to build on it.

So, do you have anything to share?