Why is this called an iMovie project?

“Why is this an iMovie project?” 

This question came from one of the students in the class where I am working.  A puzzling question to me, the teacher, because I thought we had talked about our learning journey.

I, too, had been thinking about this learning journey; where are we really heading?…

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Left? Right? Which BRAIN is learning?

Brain Building in Progress

Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Creative Commons License

Generally speaking, I’m usually good at learning the technical aspects of something.  Learning the steps to making a great layup in basketball for example is easy, I can even put them together and do a technically near perfect attempt.  …

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Lip Dub Experience in Grade 4

At the beginning of the school year, a teacher expressed to me that she had heard a very inspirational song and would love to have her class do something with it. Maybe, it could be used in a slideshow or some kind of presentation at a school assembly?…

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Pink Shirt Day

My first big project for the school with iMovie.  I’d love feedback and comments.  The girls would love to hear them too!  It’s also posted on our school Facebook Page, here.

As for learning iMovie, I think I have the basics but am definitely interested in getting a little bit more creative.…

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Frustrations with Flip Books

To close out the first week of my digital storytelling explorations for #etmooc, I decided to try two new tools. I’ll talk about one in this post and the second in another post because (while writing) I realized each one requires a fairly detailed explanation.…

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Hello #etMOOCers!

For some time now, I have known that there is a big hole in my knowledge about educational technology.  I have absolutely no experience in working with video.

I was thrilled to see that the first assignment for #etMOOC was to make a video.  …

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