#etmooc. Piacevoli sorprese

Continuo a divertirmi e a stupirmi, imparando.

Vincendo timore e ritrosia sono intervenuta per la prima volta in Chat Tweet Twitter#etmooc per chiedere il motivo per cui su Diigo ci sono due gruppi #etmooc.

Ammetto di aver accolto con un pò di stupore l’elenco dei links presente nell’Introduction to Connected Learning, For #etmooc – January 21, 2013, ma ho dovuto constatare che la lista  è utile per l’immediatezza d’uso e, al contempo, rappresenta un vero e proprio forziere di risorse.…

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Making of the #etmooc Lipdub

I’ve been busy with #etmooc, a MOOC focused on educational technology & media. We’re nearing the (official) end of our first topic, Connected Learning, and late last night, we published a crowdsourced, #etmooc lipdub project. I feel that the video accurately captures the energy and personalities of #etmooc participants, and the spirit of sharing and connecting that has dominated this experience.…

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Lip dubbin, across the universe

It’s currently 32 degrees in Western Australia today and the start of the Australia Day long weekend.

This typically means most people embark on a 3 day weekend consisting of BBQs, beer and only visiting friends who either own a pool or have air conditioning.…

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Lip dubbin, across the universe

It’s currently 32 degrees in Western Australia today and the start of the Australia Day long weekend.

This typically means most people embark on a 3 day weekend consisting of BBQs, beer and only visiting friends who either own a pool or have air conditioning.…

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