Community-Sourced Project

The #ETMOOC lip dub inspired me to make a community-sourced Abbot School Pledge & Code of Conduct video. Staff were asked to submit a video recording of themselves reciting the pledge or code of conduct in a recent post and email.…

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Crowdsourcing: A Connected Learning Experience

I took a risk and participated in a crowdsourced lip dub for #ETMOOC.

What did I take away from this experience?

  • Teamwork: I was just one of the many people who signed up. I worked hard to get my section right (following the guidelines) and submitted on time, but then I had to rely on others to do their part for the whole thing to come together.
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#etmooc. Piacevoli sorprese

Continuo a divertirmi e a stupirmi, imparando.

Vincendo timore e ritrosia sono intervenuta per la prima volta in Chat Tweet Twitter#etmooc per chiedere il motivo per cui su Diigo ci sono due gruppi #etmooc.

Ammetto di aver accolto con un pò di stupore l’elenco dei links presente nell’Introduction to Connected Learning, For #etmooc – January 21, 2013, ma ho dovuto constatare che la lista  è utile per l’immediatezza d’uso e, al contempo, rappresenta un vero e proprio forziere di risorse.…

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Connected Learning

Recently, I attended an #ETMOOC session on connected learning. (To find out about more about this course, please read this previous post.) Below are my thoughts as well as a project proposal for Abbot School.

In today’s world, if you want to know how to do something, you don’t have to wait.…

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Edtech MOOC, January 2013?

During my sabbatical year (July 1/12 to June 30/13), I plan to focus on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as one of my key areas of research. To do so, I’m considering planning, organizing and facilitating a semester-long MOOC focused on educational technology starting January 2013.…

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