We hold the answers

This week I have been sent a newspaper article and a blog post, both of which resonated strongly with me and probably shows me that people know me well.

The first came as a tweet “@medg56 RT @Kenjaneth13: A 10 year old who sees the world as it is and envisions the way it should be tinyurl.com/la2l644

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Power of Sharing

I still haven’t finished my “Introduction” to ETMOOC post, but will do that soon. I just had to get this post out of my head tonight.

This afternoon, I attended Dean Shareski’s Sharing as Accountability session in the #ETMOOC (Educational Technology Massive Online Open Course) today.…

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Edtech MOOC, January 2013?

During my sabbatical year (July 1/12 to June 30/13), I plan to focus on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as one of my key areas of research. To do so, I’m considering planning, organizing and facilitating a semester-long MOOC focused on educational technology starting January 2013.…

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Ten Reasons Why Teachers Must Be Magic

CC: http://www.flickr.com/photos/senzenina/

A wonderful letter from Santa from the 21st  Century Educational Technology and Learning blog by Michael Gorman.  Check out his blog for this post and much more.

A Special Letter From Santa… Ten Reasons Why Teachers Must Be Magic!

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