Community-Sourced Project

The #ETMOOC lip dub inspired me to make a community-sourced Abbot School Pledge & Code of Conduct video. Staff were asked to submit a video recording of themselves reciting the pledge or code of conduct in a recent post and email.

Below is an excerpt from the original email:

I want to create a video of the Abbot Student Pledge and Code of Conduct being read by as many staff members as possible. However, it won’t be a unison group reading with all us huddled in front of a camera. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard. Everyone’s face needs to be seen.

I am asking that every interested staff member video record him/herself reading/reciting the Abbot Student Pledge and Code of Conduct. If this is too much of an individual risk, feel free to do it as a team or cluster of staff members. I then will look at each of the videos submitted and take a segment from each to compile a cohesive reading of the Abbot Student Pledge and Code of Conduct.

Why am I even suggesting this activity? Today, we live in a very connected world. Everyone has an opportunity for his/her voice to be heard and to share his/her thoughts, feelings and learning via online outlets. Crowdsourcing is a method of gathering information. In our case, we will gather everyone’s unique reading of the Pledge and Code of Conduct. We want everyone to have a sense of belonging and significance at Abbot. We have high expectations/guidelines that we ask the students to recite and then follow every week. Let’s show the students that we as an adult community believe in these expectations. Let them hear us saying the words and see the expressions on our faces. Let them see via this product that we all work together to make things happen at Abbot.

The video debuts at Community Meeting today. Please take a look: Abbot Student Pledge & Code of Conduct