The End Is Just The Beginning

Wow, #etmooc sure has provided a ton of opportunities to explore a vast new territory for so many educators! What a whirlwind of amazing learning experiences… how can it possibly be coming to an end?  I feel like the little green guy from Just For Laughs:

I know it’s not really the end.  …

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Learning About Digital Citizenship

Tonight’s #etmchat re: digital citizenship has brought about another learning curve for me.  So many great thoughts about teachers & students sharing online, and how it compares to citizenship in the real world.  There are a few concepts I’m still wrapping my mind around, and I’m sure that if I’m stewing over some ideas, there has to be a few people involved with #etmooc that are learning to digest and process these concepts as well.…

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Ohhh, The Possibilities!

Totally wowed by #ETMOOC’s latest post about Digital Storytelling!  Holy cow, what a wealth of material to absorb, and maaaaan, do I feel like a sponge.  After checking out a few links, I know my brain will be working on overdrive as I think of new ideas, images and methods for a new project.…

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What Are You Afraid Of?

What is it about a birthday or an anniversary that prompts us to pause, reflect and remember?  Tomorrow is my 1-year anniversary of blogging, and I find myself wondering if I’ve been doing what I set out to do.  Why have I been doing this?

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