The Power to Choose Nothing

“I have a student who says that he isn’t passionate about anything. I ask him what he’s interested in, and what he does outside of school, but the answer is always the same: nothing. What do I do with a kid like that?”

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ISTE presentation: Snapshot of Genius Hour

On June 29, 2015 I had the pleasure of presenting at ISTE 2015.  ISTE, or the International Society for Technology in Education, puts on a major conference every year. This most recent one was in Philadelphia, PA and I was so excited to be able to share my Snapshot presentation on Genius Hour there…
This is cross-posted:
Click here to read the rest of this post & watch the recorded presentation on my book website,
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Genius Hour in the University Classroom

This summer I taught an undergraduate course at Simon Fraser University: 

EDUC 394: Cross-Curricular Connections

Over the past few years I have really worked on planning with the big ideas in mind and thinking about the cross-curricular connections that I can make so I was excited to share some of my ideas, practices I have incorporated, and the theoretical backing for this type of teaching with my students (all of them are working toward a BC teaching certificate).

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Tracking 50 Passion Projects at Once

As my second full year of Genius Hour passion projects begins, I’m trying something new in order to better track each student’s progress. Last year I learned plenty from my students, including that I need a leaner, more agile tracking system in order to assess, encourage, and praise progress.…

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Hangin’ Out Google Style

Communicating with a global audience has never been easier with the plethora of social media tools at our disposal. One such tool is Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an instant messaging and video chat service that can be accessed via a computer or mobile device.

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The Cardboard Arcade Challenge.

Earlier in the year I had watched ‘Caine’s Arcade’ on Youtube  you can find it here- I loved the story and loved the idea of children building things out of boxes, just like I used to do back in the day.…

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Is Genius Hour a way to get into Rhizomatic Learning?

Of all the many different ideas, skills and tech that the Etmooc course has introduced me to, rhizomatic learning is the one that I have been thinking about- often. I had no idea rhizomatic learning even existed until we started discussing it as part of Etmooc.…

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Passion + Genius = Endless Possibilities

Endless possibilities..
The title for this post comes from one of my students, who whispered it in my ear as she hugged me on the way out the door today.  I had a wonderful time introducing the idea of Genius Hour to my students.  …

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Introducing Genius Hour and Entrepreneurial Adventure!

I am very excited to be introducing my students to Genius Hour this week!  We are already participating in a special project called Entrepreneurial Adventure, run through the Learning Partnership. Because not all children were expressing interest in creating their own ventures, and I know that some ventures will need more and others less time to manage, I wanted something I could run parallel to the EA program.  …

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