The Power to Choose Nothing

“I have a student who says that he isn’t passionate about anything. I ask him what he’s interested in, and what he does outside of school, but the answer is always the same: nothing. What do I do with a kid like that?”

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#beerpedagogy and a new culture

On the weekend I attended the #beerpedagogy tweet up.  I always look forward to a #beerpedagogy event, and no not because of the beer!  You may be wondering what on earth #beerpedagogy is and it is probably just as you think.  …

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Is there such a thing as too much space?

Over the last days preparing for the start of #edcmooc I, along with MANY others, have been overwhelmed with the share number of spaces for connection and learning. In the last 3 days I have come to be aware of at least 20 new spaces I had never even heard of and feeling the pressure (whether that is environmental or a mental script I’m not sure) to engage in some spaces that previously I had avoided.…

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