How a District Performance Task Drove us to Deeper Questions about Learning

It's More than a Perf. Task2

This past week, two of our district’s high schools administered a District-created Performance Task. The task consisted of a classroom activity one day, and the following day, a self-guided time of research, curating/synthesizing information, and writing a position paper on a topic that was relevant to our local community.…

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Honk if you love life!

Our Inquiry and RE units this term have focussed on the concepts of community and our place within the community. It has been a rich and diverse unit and we are now at the stage of expressing our learnings about what community is and how it can be built.

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The Power of Collegial Discussion

As part of the planning team for the RE Eastern Network, we spent quite some time last week talking about the place of dialogue in Religious Education. Our first discussion was about what constituted dialogue. We talked about what dialogue IS and what it IS NOT.

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Playing with Storybird

Storybird ( is a great website which enables you to select from an extensive range of beautiful images to create your own story. You can search for images by themes and then arrange them in order to tell your own narrative.  

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ETMOOC inspiration – digital story telling

Have just had fun sitting in the hairdresser’s chair, creating a 5 card flicr story.



Five Card Story: Learning is like …

a #etmooc story created by Mj0401Mary

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by allistelling

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

This week, my students have pondered the question ‘My learning is like a fish because…’ and have come up with some amazing thoughts and ideas.

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The Fine Art of Surfacing Ideas in a Community of Learners

What I know about ocean currents can be summarized in one short sentence, “When being pulled away from shore, swim sideways.”

The ocean is a big beautiful and frightening place. When I saw the image below I instantly recognized it from middle school earth science class.…

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Spinning with POSSIBILITIES!

 Inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still

Flickr Creative Commons Photo Shared by Scott McLeod

One week in. Into WHAT, you ask? Why, #etmooc, of course! Officially, this amazing “connectivist” MOOC, (massive open online course), hasn’t even REALLY begun – it’s been an “orientation” week, of sorts.…

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