A thought on MOOC’s and ETMOOC

Today I tried to catch up with google plus. With over 1200 in my email’s I figured it was about time to catch up. As usual there are 5 posts I have put in “read later”, thanks diigo, a few I commented on and one that took me on a journey I did not expect and I wanted to share:

I found the following post by..Alan…

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Fearful horses

So I made these knife rests for a friend who lives in Kentucky. I haven’t sent them yet even though they have been completed since last summer. Why? Because of fear. What if she doesn’t like them? I rarely share my work and every time someone buys one of my pieces I am surprised.…

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MOOCed into Learning via #etmooc

I’ve been MOOCed. And it’s not as if I could have avoided it. I knew, as soon as I began exploring the topic of massive online open courses (MOOCs) in November 2012 with colleagues on the New Media Consortium (NMC) Advisory Board for the 2013 Higher Education Edition of the Horizon Report, that it would only be a matter of time before I stepped into the vortex and was completely immersed in learning more about the topic.…

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Rhizomatic Learning and Comments are How I Learn

Had to add this picture, I love it!

I left this as a comment on a blog today, but realized it makes a great post so here it is…. Ah, the power of comments is a lovely thing. Watching the exchange on the subject on rhizomatic lerning from Louwarnoud van der Duim’s Blog has helped me put rhizomatic learning in perspective.…

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Etiquettes with Blogging

Etiquette and expectations for blogging and commenting has always been part of my blogging journey with my students.  Being thoughtful as both a writer and reader are important.  I love that my students start to think of themselves as writers, but more importantly, I love the community they build through the process of joining the conversation with each other through feedback. …

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Spinning with POSSIBILITIES!

 Inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still

Flickr Creative Commons Photo Shared by Scott McLeod

One week in. Into WHAT, you ask? Why, #etmooc, of course! Officially, this amazing “connectivist” MOOC, (massive open online course), hasn’t even REALLY begun – it’s been an “orientation” week, of sorts.…

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Sharing and Inspiring

Sue Waters’ Learning Through Blogging post got me thinking about the purpose of bloggging.  There has been some discussion going on around me about this, since three of my colleagues and I are participating in the #etmooc and blogging through EDCI515 with @_valeriei.  …

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