#140WC Welcome Challenge #clmooc #etmooc

A Challenge On November 10th, 2014 I made a commitment to myself and invited others to join — teachers, students, bloggers. The commitment? Write 140 words each day — 140 words more or less — but write — blog — everyday.  …

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MOOCed into Learning via #etmooc

I’ve been MOOCed. And it’s not as if I could have avoided it. I knew, as soon as I began exploring the topic of massive online open courses (MOOCs) in November 2012 with colleagues on the New Media Consortium (NMC) Advisory Board for the 2013 Higher Education Edition of the Horizon Report, that it would only be a matter of time before I stepped into the vortex and was completely immersed in learning more about the topic.…

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Online identities – when social meets professional

I’ve been using Twitter and Facebook for years (but then again, apart from the odd friend who ‘Doesn’t own a TV’ or ‘Refuses to use Facebook’ – I’m assuming that this is the norm right?).

But after partaking in a number of educational conferences over the last couple of years (mainly ASCILITE – Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education) I’ve starting making more and more contacts; both colleagues who have similar roles to me in their institutions or people who share the same love of bands and music.…

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