A Mouse goes Rebel

One of the areas that has really caught my eye since we began ETMOOC is curating.  I mentioned in the previous blog post that I had never really thought about curating but was going to investigate further.  Well, I have started that process and while I don’t know if my mind is any clearer on how I personally want to curate I have started to look at some of the tools that were mentioned in the Introduction to Social Curating session.…

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One “H” and 4 “C’s”

English: Compulsive hoarding home entrance

I think this is what my mind looks like plus spinning around and around in circles.

It is amazing how all different aspects of my life seem to come together on occasion.  This is not necessarily a frequent occurrence so when it does happen I end up with an “AHA” moment or moments.  …

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The end of Week One – Wow.

It is Monday afternoon here in Guatemala City and outside my office our Elementary IT teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching a Grade 4 class about researching safely on the internet.  In my office, I am not quite that organized either on my desk or in my mind.  …

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OK I have signed up….now what?????

I was very excited when I read about the ETMOOC and quickly signed up not really knowing what I was getting into but I thought the topics looked interesting and I love learning.  I also figured anything I learned would benefit the teachers I work with.…

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