Knowledge? #etmooc

A little note: “… Increasingly, people … have to use higher thinking skills (and less lower skills  like ?Knowledge?). … “

Lower thinking skills are now needed more than ever. Knowledge of the use of media, knowledge of language, it is  necessary knowledge. …

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#etmooc and digital divide

beggarIn my opinion study in #etmooc does not widen the digital divide.
“… Many people argue that the digital divide unfairly equips wealthy citizen and their children with more information and opportunities than those with lower incomes. In addition, there is a big debate around the world whether technology has benefited society and how it will affect society in the future.…

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Like the blogpost of Whitney Kilgore about connectivism and constructivism. Maybe her emphasis on connections is an answer to SuiFaJohnMak. “Study blogging in decline as social media takes over”. Blogging should be connecting and sharing. Do all bloggers share and comment?…

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#change11 #oped12, #CFHE12… Un ossimoro

Seguendo la segnalazione contenuta nella  OLDaily del 7/12/2012 tento di accedere a quella che ritengo possa essere una risorsa per il mio quotidiano apprendimento, ignara della spiacevole sorpresa che mi attende.

Go away

Debbo pensare che il sito mi sia precluso in quanto italiana?…

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Another MOOC signed up

pedagogy First

This MOOC, like Change11, covers a whole academic year.  It covers many topics realted to managing and teaching in an online environment. I hope to use it to shape my courses as I move more of the activities and content online from the classroom.…

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Can you MOOCify a course?

I’ve been wondering about this since the Change11 MOOC. You have your xMOOCs at places like MITx and Coursera, and Udacity, and your cMOOCc like Change11, PLENK2010, and CCK08. But adapting a course into a MOOC is, I think only possible if you can bend some of the parameters of a MOOC.…

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Vodcasts: what are they good for?

 Vodcasts: What are they good for?

This project was for the second module of my MSc in Multimedia and Elearning: Introduction to Action Research.  It was a difficult module to get started on. In fact, I spent every weekend of the first two months intending to start work but just ending up with a very tidy house and garden!   

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Seth Godin on Learning

Stop Stealing DreamsSeth Godin has written a collection of ideas against education in its current form, called Stop Stealing Dreams. As I read through it, I find resonance with a lot of the online courses, especially the ones that are large and network-based MOOCs like #Change11), in a lot of his writing.…

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