Digital Citizenship: Shouldn’t It Begin in Preschool?

I subscribe to a parenting website and receive weekly email alerts about developmental milestones and topics relevant to my child’s age. Recently, I read a post: Your 3 3/4-year-old: Computer Ready?

Perhaps, it’s my profession, or better yet, maybe, it’s my experiences and the topics presented during #ETMOOC that had me scratching my head and pondering some of the statements.…

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DNLE and other relationships

Well fellow etmoocers, moocmoocers and DNLE alumni I passed the DNLE course and have my certificate in my hands (I’m old school- I printed it). So how am I feeling right now? Elated! Yes DNLE did evaluate my work, yes there were issues with the course (but now I realise that there are issues in every course, online or off- the challenges are just different to overcome) but I wouldn’t be wending my way through the mooc world and having these amazing conversations about learning, educating, philosophy and other subjects (I use Pinterest and yes I post recipes!)…

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Responsive Learning

I am a Responsive Classroom teacher. Sometimes that gets the reputation of being “touchy-feely”. However, anyone who knows me would not describe me or my teaching that way. I have high expectations for student behavior and work that coincides with one of  the core principles of RC: the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum.…

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