Moving to Medium

mediumlogoThere is a new blogging platform, one that I think is better than WordPress, and I am moving there for future posts. I will add pointers here, but the content will be there.

Why am I releasing total control over my feed here, with my own domain name and wordpress installation?…

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Teachers: Now a Working Class Profession

magister“From the Sage on the Stage to the Guide on the Side” is now about 20 years old. A little shopworn, but still a…how shall I put it….goal, of some teachers and how they adapt to technology. It is the gist of an Atlantic article by Michael Godsey, a K-12 teacher witnessing the “progress” right before his eyes.…

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The Graduation Thesis: Insufficient and Outmoded

This the title of a recent article I wrote for my university research journal (Gakuen). In it, I advocate for subsuming the Graduation Thesis, common here in Japan among undergraduates, among a collection of other possible ways for demonstrating ability to work in a field.…

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Animoto vs YouTube: Free Photo Slideshow Comparison

As an instructional technology specialist, educator, and avid technology user, I am always on the look out for free applications to use. I have been specifically interested in finding FREE online ways to create and share slideshows and video. One of the activities we were asked to do as a final “summary of learning” was to create a reflection artifact of our #etmooc learning experience.…

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