Teachers: Now a Working Class Profession

magister“From the Sage on the Stage to the Guide on the Side” is now about 20 years old. A little shopworn, but still a…how shall I put it….goal, of some teachers and how they adapt to technology. It is the gist of an Atlantic article by Michael Godsey, a K-12 teacher witnessing the “progress” right before his eyes.…

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What’s the Value of Foreign Language?

Bolchazy-Carducci is one of the more prolific publishers of Classical texts, and they’ve done a lot of great work for Greek and Latin teachers that has helped to make our jobs easier.  In their February eLitterae newsletter, Sherwin Little’s Little’s Bits column “A Latin teacher wears many hats…” addresses the complexities of a Latin teacher’s job, which often requires us to serve in part as a “public relations specialist” to help keep our numbers strong. …

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Two notes on dialectology

I just came across this article on the divergence of American English in the Great Lakes region.  I’m not familiar with the dialect, but its vowel system is apparently diverging from standard American English more quickly than other dialects; cf. words like cot and caught with different vowels, unlike in my own dialect.…

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