
AudionoteYesterday at #rscinspire13 Chris Barber introduced his audience to the AudioNote app for iPads and iPhones which I immediately downloaded and am really excited about using. The software seems to be exactly what I’ve been missing – an application that can cope with audio and visual note talking whilst cross referencing both at the same time.…

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Animoto vs YouTube: Free Photo Slideshow Comparison

As an instructional technology specialist, educator, and avid technology user, I am always on the look out for free applications to use. I have been specifically interested in finding FREE online ways to create and share slideshows and video. One of the activities we were asked to do as a final “summary of learning” was to create a reflection artifact of our #etmooc learning experience.…

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New Tools/Applications I’ve Learned

I have found that I have become much more app centric when it has come to participating in the etmooc community. My rhizomatic learning has given me the following tools I wanted to share:

Google Plus – yes, I had it but I actually like I more than twitter.…

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