I’m MOOCing Again, TeachtheWeb

Hello fellow, #teachtheweb particants.  I am so excited to be a part of a new MOOC. Please feel free to look around my blog and get to know me. 

 I have to warn you I loved Etmooc!…

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New Tools/Applications I’ve Learned

I have found that I have become much more app centric when it has come to participating in the etmooc community. My rhizomatic learning has given me the following tools I wanted to share:

Google Plus – yes, I had it but I actually like I more than twitter.…

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Google Plus – Whats going on? (Video Demo) #etmooc


I’ve noticed that a lot of activity for #etmooc has been happening inside Google Plus, in their fantastic new Community.  Its a wonderful space and tool and I am so happy to see more people jumping into G+ and giving it a whirl to see what its all about!…

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