Cape Scott Adventures – A digital story! #ETMOOC

For this section of the #ETMOOC, we’ve been focusing on Digital Stories and have had some excellent presentations and opportunities to practice and learn this fascinating art.  I’ve been really enjoying the #sixwordstories and the Five-Card-Flickr stories that everyone has been sharing, as well as the animated GIFs that have started appearing around the #etmooc Google Plus Community.

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My Weekend with a Samsung ChromeBook (5 series)

Have you heard about the new Google ChromeBooks? chromebook They are new, affordable, lightweight, smaller laptops that are made by manufacturers like Samsung and Acer, and run a browser-based Operating system called “Chrome OS”.  They are super simple, and are a “network” based laptop, in that most of their functionality exists on the internet.  …

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#etmooc – Twitter Chats and Lipdubs!

Hello ETMooc’ers!

So, in keeping with my resolution to participate more, and lurk less, I wanted to write an update to what I’ve been doing in the #etmooc over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been busy, trying some new types of participation and to try to give back to the larger communtity of #etmooc as someone who’s been around the block so to speak.…

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Google Plus – Whats going on? (Video Demo) #etmooc


I’ve noticed that a lot of activity for #etmooc has been happening inside Google Plus, in their fantastic new Community.  Its a wonderful space and tool and I am so happy to see more people jumping into G+ and giving it a whirl to see what its all about!…

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