Sunny Skies at the Silver Skate Festival

Yesterday was Family Day here in Alberta. Our family had planned to go skiing but the wether has been so nice the skil hill was closed so we spent the afternoon at Hawrelak Park at the Silver Skate Festival.20160215_142131

We arrived as they were announcing the winners of the carving competition,

20160215_141158 20160215_141234
20160215_141408 20160215_141438 20160215_141610 We checked out the new warming huts, which are a Make Something Edmonton project.…

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My Journey with New Media Art and Digital Storytelling

Topic #2 for etmooc is Digital Storytelling. In addition to creating digital stories, we were challenged to critically examine the definition of digital storytelling on Wikipedia. While I think the Wikipedia definition gets at some of the aspects and history of digital storytelling, some of my experiences with digital storytelling are missing.…

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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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