“Frainge Days Indeed!”

Last night after I got tattooed, I wrote my first post for #ds106 and was thrilled to find my first comment was from Alan Levine, who is really not our teacher …no one heads the course…but there are some very present masterminds behind all of this experimental DIY learning! His comment inspired today’s #dailycreate. As teachers and learners these days, we are living “Frainge Days Indeed”! Technology has helped us behead the talking head, and wipe out passive learning; all the old education rules and roles are up for grabs, ripe for revolution and redefinition!

In ds106 we are supposed to encourage each other to discover and experiment with our visual voice, and develop our unique digital identity. Every participant determines his level of participation and volunteers to help and cheer-on fellow ds106ers to learn particular digital tools and topics! It’s much like living in a commune! Through #dailycreates, ds106radio broadcasts, Twitter, G+, blogging, Google Hangouts, tutorials, delicious tagging, there’s plenty to do and learn! It’s all pretty laid back though; no pressure, no obligation and money back guaranteed since the experience is absolutely free…walk away or engage as much you want! It’s day two! I’m here to stay!
These are the course objectives:
  • Develop skills in using technology as a tool for networking, sharing, narrating, and creative self-expression
  • Frame a digital identity wherein you become both a practitioner in and interrogator of various new modes of networking. 
  • Critically examine the digital landscape of communication technologies as emergent narrative forms and genres. 
Today’s #dailycreate challenged us to: 

Edit an existing video to include an unexpected object in the story.  

Thanks to a G+ chat with my frainger Maddie, she pointed me in the right direction to four digital tools I didn’t know about:
  • Gifmaker –This was super easy to use!
  • Pixrl – I used this to add text to the images before I made the gif; I must learn about all the different features this photo editor offers!
  • Computerhope.com – used this to download the YT video to add to OneTrueMedia
  • OneTrueMedia  – used this to clip the YT video, and mix in the images and sound.
Thanks Mads! Nobody told me there’d be days like these where I could have so much fun with fraingers, and have many teachers, but no head!  I’m ready for #ds106 Bootcamp