Why I am Headless this fall

Yesterday I posted about Design Thinking Action Lab on the last day of that particular course. I didn’t get as much out of it as I had hoped. However, I have enormously high expectations of Headless DS106. Why? Because I’ve been mucking about on the sidelines of DS106 even before I took ETMOOC. I try to do the Daily Creates when I have the opportunity as it’s fun, stimulates my creativity and I’m always amazed and delighted at the creativity of others. I do the writing assignments, I occasionally do the photo assignments and I rarely do the video assignments. This is a reflection of both my access to the tools for these various creates and my level of comfort with each of the methods of creation. And I have no clue about how to do radio but I will learn! (I’m still figuring how to take/make video with my new laptop for example and my desktop computer is still sitting in pieces. I don’t even have my desk up yet let alone my clothes in my drawers. And please let’s not talk about my kitchen and bathrooms-I’m still waiting for countertops!)

I’ve been dipping in and out of the DS106 daily creates and assignments off and on this year, flirting with making the commitment to an actual course, but after reading and watching Christina Hendricks have such a blast with DS106zone, I knew that I would sign up for the next offering of DS106. At this point, with my house still in shambles, I can’t guarantee how much time I can put into the course but that’s the beauty of open education- I won’t have to feel guilty for not getting everything done, nor am I constrained by set deadlines. It’s very liberating. And that makes learning much more pleasurable.

So here’s to being headless for the next few months!