Storytelling – First Thoughts

What first comes to mind when I think of storytelling is the oral storytelling tradition.  I think of Icelandic sagas, nursery rhymes, fairy tails, myths, and stories that get passed from generation to generation orally.  I tend also to think of stories as having a narrative.…

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What storytelling is to me.

So DS106 Headless has asked me to reflect on the idea of what I associate with the word storytelling? Um, that’s tough because I basically tell stories all the time. Someone asks about my day and the next thing I’m doing is conveying a story.…

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Digital Citiz-wait, what?

I have a confession to make. I’m … a Millennial. I grew up with the internet, I learned how to use AOL as a kid, I have had private email since I was ten years old, and I can maintain 4-5 separate chats like a boss.…

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