Roman Architecture in Minecraft

The caldarium in a Roman bath

Last year, as our school began its 1:1 BYOL program in the 7th grade, I had the opportunity to redesign our Latin IA course to incorporate technology within the Latin program. In doing so, I redeveloped our introductory level curriculum around thematic “modules” that are each split between core content work and a project devoted on some cultural component, e.g.…

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What happens if we don’t…?

The Value Function

I’ve been reading about cognitive psychology and design thinking with great interest lately, and some ideas have been swirling around in my head. In particular, I (finally!) finished Daniel Kahneman’s fantastic book Thinking, Fast and Slow on Prospect Theory (reading notes here) and the decision-making processes that are at work in our minds (cf.…

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Change and the Giving up the Ego

Someone recently mentioned to me that “change requires giving something up.” At the time, I wasn’t sure how much I believed it, but after thinking about it for a week, I do now. Depending on what kind of change is being proposed, there’s a variety of answers to the question of what should be given up; but in more cases than not in education, based on what the conversations I’ve had, it’s the ego that’s at the center of this discussion.…

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I just participated in my first EdCamp at #edcampsfbay this past Saturday, and I’m still feeling the adrenaline from it. The “unconference” was one of the single best experiences I’ve experienced of sitting in a room and having a conversation with other people who share interests and passions of mine.…

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Liquid Networks and the Adjacent Possible

At ISTE this past June, I picked up Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From (reading notes here) and, after his fantastic keynote address, looked forward to reading it. After just finishing it, the book didn’t disappoint, leaving me with quite a bit to think about on the verge of beginning a new academic year.…

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GTACHI Reflections

It’s hard to know where to begin in describing the Google Teacher Academy experience. As is often said, the two-day experience moves incredibly quickly, and you can be sure that all of our heads were already spinning from scripting, extensions, and maps by our first lunch.…

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