Badges, Trello and Organisation


While I enjoy a geeky lifehack blog post as well as the next person I rarely take the advice. My inbox is pretty messy, I have no consistent way of organising files and I keep notes in text files in several different places (mostly dropbox), links in…

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Badges for Assessment – Why Not?

Ever since participating in a Blackboard Collaborate session with Doug Belshaw at ETMOOC 2013,  I’ve been wanting to learn more about badges as an authentic way for students to demonstrate and receive credit for their learning. With our province so heavily engaged in curriculum redesign, and with educators being called upon to consider new and innovative ways to plan, carry out and assess learning; I’m leaving no rock unturned in an effort to support them in their efforts.…

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Examining Open Education

open lock

We Participate, Therefore We Are. ~ Brown & Adler

This past week, I had the chance to delve deeper into the idea of open education and open education resources (OER) thanks to both #ETMOOC and the #MediaLabCourse.

Before this week, I hadn’t spent much time considering the differences between “open” and “free” and the power they can bring to people around the world when they are combined together.…

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ELI 2013 Analytics: Learning From Our Connections

Top 25 Words Used In Tweets in the Final Days of ELI 2013

Top 25 Words Used In Tweets in the Final Days of ELI 2013

In this post I am using Twitter analytics to learn about what the major themes, discussions, and resources that were discussed at the Educause Learning Initiative Annual Meeting held in Denver, CO, Feb.…

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