What’s next for Laura?

TL;DR My last day at Mozilla already happened, but I’m still me. I bring together disparate things to foster learning, spread openness and design for participation. I’m a creative generalist who likes to make stuff, and I’m open to exploring opportunities.

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Relecting on #teachtheweb Week 1: Making as Learning

Last week we launched #teachtheweb, a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration (MOOC – more commonly “Massive Open Online Course”). The first week was all about Making as Learning, and today, I’m going to write a reflection. Not an update about Webmaker stuff, not a plug for the MOOC (which is awesome, and you should totally join it), but a reflection on the idea Making as Learning and whether or not that’s always true.…

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Making, Curating and Sharing Resources

Last year I started the /Teach wiki and filled it with a bunch of links out to resources, curriculum, descriptions and other useful tidbits of content designed to support the teaching of digital literacies and spread all over the web. The wiki became my own personal dumping ground to save resources authored by the budding Webmaker community.…

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Hacktivity Kits != Event Agenda, but they sure are close…

In an ongoing effort to make Hacktivity Kits as useful as possible, I thought I would explain (quickly) what they are and how to use them. They are designed to be the “meaty” part of any Webmaker event. The kits contain the Big Picture, an overview with learning objectives and stuff about how you might assess someones learning.…

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Just an Update

Oh Snap, it’s been a month!? My, oh my how the time flies. I won’t make excuses for myself, I’ll just tell you what’s going on in my world. There’s a lot of stuff, and there’s no way I can cover all of it in my scribble of reflections, so if you are looking for more information, comment or contact me!…

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This just in: MOOCs are all the rage right now

As if you hadn’t seen the influx of moocyness over the last year.

We’re now about halfway through the #ETMOOC experience, having launched Topic 3: Digital Literacy just yesterday. In the planning for this and the Digital Storytelling topic, I’ve been trying to get the “M” in MOOC to mean more than “Massive”.…

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My Intro for #ETMOOC

I’m using the #ETMOOC experience as an excuse to push the boundaries of my thoughts surrounding online, participatory learning, technology, identity, community and a lot of psychological assumptions that may very well be culturally conditioned and perhaps without warrant. I want to explore the current conceptions (and misconceptions) of technology in education, digital networks, the constraints that we as a culture have applied to our own learning processes and how the possibility of being autonomous and anonymous while learning affects my own perception of self.…

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The People Piece: Passion and Curiosity

Earlier this month, Mark wrote a post called Webmaker 2013: Product + Community, and we’ve seen a slew of posts that talk about the evolution of Webmaker from the product perspective, so I thought I would write a little about the people piece.…

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