Hacktivity Kits != Event Agenda, but they sure are close…

In an ongoing effort to make Hacktivity Kits as useful as possible, I thought I would explain (quickly) what they are and how to use them. They are designed to be the “meaty” part of any Webmaker event. The kits contain the Big Picture, an overview with learning objectives and stuff about how you might assess someones learning. And they contain “Hacktivities“, which are learning activities designed to get your learners learning the things included in the Big Picture. They also have background information and extra resources for those mentors that want to know the bigger big picture of Webmaker, web literacies or a particular tool.

The main thing is Hacktivity Kits are MODULAR. You can rip them apart, remix them, do different constellations of hacktivities. It’s up to you! There are three types of Hacktivities, and they’re ordered based on a specific educational model:

  1. Icebreaker – A FUN activity to INTRODUCE the topic of the day.
  2. Diving In – A MAKE activity to EXPLAIN tool usage or a procedure.
  3. Hands on Hacking – A MAKE activity to EXPLORE all topics and tools.

An event agenda takes the Hacktivities and wraps them with an introduction and a closing at least. An agenda might also include some other things, like a presentation of the sponsors who donated volunteers or the event space. Eventually, the Hacktivity Kits will be full fledged event guides with agendas and logistics and the whole nine yards, but I’m still working on that.

In the meantime, I thought the best way to explain how to run an event and how to integrate a Hacktivity Kit would be to create a Sample Agenda. Now there are no hard and fast rules for running learning events (other than to have fun, of course). Being a workshop leader is hard work! You have to be flexible and respond to your participants needs.

Still, I hope this Sample Agenda helps!

As always, feedback is completely welcome and desired.

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