Making, Curating and Sharing Resources

Last year I started the /Teach wiki and filled it with a bunch of links out to resources, curriculum, descriptions and other useful tidbits of content designed to support the teaching of digital literacies and spread all over the web. The wiki became my own personal dumping ground to save resources authored by the budding Webmaker community. There were lots of different types of things – presentations, prototypes, blogposts and more – but they all had one thing in common. They were resources that didn’t fit.

They didn’t fit with the things we were putting on, they often didn’t fit in their own project sites. They were bonuses, extras, resources that went above and beyond. They were things that some people found useful, while others did not, and I just kept adding and adding.

As the months went along, the wiki became a bit…unorganized. There were too many things, and it was hard to wade through them and know what you were going to get when you clicked a link (particularly if you weren’t ME). And then came Beatrice. She’s an archivist who is working at Hive HQ in NYC. Read this post, it’s hilarious and awesome. Anyway, Beatrice came along and did a complete reorganization of the wiki. She also wrote up some quick and easy instructions on how to contribute to it. And Sayak helped out by making the wiki look pretty.

There are lots of great resource banks and by cross posting your favorite materials, people can find, remix, reuse and reshare no matter which community they’re participating most heavily in. So I invite you, no matter where you normally share webmaking, creative and digital literacies resources, to start contributing and cross posting to the Mozilla Teach Wiki.

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