The F-Word

I’m talking about failure. Failure has become quite the educational buzzword these days. Articles, research journals, and blogposts all tout the need for failure as part of the learning process. I’d argue that most people mean “mistake” instead of “failure,” but that is an argument for another day.…

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Microsoft Paint and my first app

So as part of the clmooc, I’ve decided to build my first app (I’m using Infinite Monkeys) and I chose Microsoft Paint as my subject. Why? Because in the ICT curriculum in Canada and the US, Grade 1 is where you start using Paint.…

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Open to Learning

This is one of two posts I’ve been meaning to write since I attended ASCD13 in Chicago over my spring break.

After I attended the ASCD Conference in Chicago, where I learned so much, I went home to my parents’ place for a different kind of lesson.…

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