The F-Word

I’m talking about failure. Failure has become quite the educational buzzword these days. Articles, research journals, and blogposts all tout the need for failure as part of the learning process. I’d argue that most people mean “mistake” instead of “failure,” but that is an argument for another day.…

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#140WC Welcome Challenge #clmooc #etmooc

A Challenge On November 10th, 2014 I made a commitment to myself and invited others to join — teachers, students, bloggers. The commitment? Write 140 words each day — 140 words more or less — but write — blog — everyday.  …

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#ce14 #clmooc #etmooc Student Agency

How do we help students develop the insight and initiative to be life-long, productive learners contributing to a better world? How do we develop student agency? We know that motivation comes from a desire to learn, a purpose, an authentic interest, and a belief that success is possible.…

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Free webinar: Improving Student Retention in Online Learning

Inside Higher Ed hosted a free webinar on Tuesday, June 10th – “Retention in Online Courses,” brought to you by Academic Partnerships and featuring Patrick Lowenthal, assistant professor of Educational Technology at Boise State University.

Retention in Online Courses Webinar Banner

Online learning continues to grow and make up a larger percentage of enrollments in higher education.

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At a loss for assignment ideas for an Educational Leadership course? Check these out!

Think Outside the BoxDiscussions: A crucial aspect of learning is to create a sense of community among students – to encourage an engaged exchange and discussion of ideas. Assigning discussions based on reading materials and video micro-lectures is a great method to establish community.

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AP Presents Course Building: One Module at a Time at the Quality Matters SW Regional Conference 2014

QM presentationDr. Melissa Kaulbach, Vice President, Academic Services, Melanie Hovland, Assistant Director, Academic Services, and Monica Hogland, Sr. Consultant, Academic Services presented “Course Building: One Module at a Time” to a packed room at the Quality Matters Southwest Regional Conference 2014 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Growing and Learning

Blog-A-Month Challenge – APRIL’s TOPIC: Professional Development

As April comes to a close, I’m left pondering the topic of Professional Development.  The prompts for the month suggest:

  • For PD to be effective it must have the following 3 characteristics…
  • The conference/book/activity that delivered the most meaningful PD experience I have had was…
  • My most powerful source of ongoing PD is…
  • Blogging is essential to my own PD because…

To begin, I feel that to be an educator one must really be an impassioned learner for education is not only about expertise, it is about being confident enough to make yourself vulnerable to a constancy of change and uncertainty; we are explorers, sometimes with a map, sometimes without, but we are always learning something new on each voyage, and constantly depending on our wits to respond and react to the unforeseen.  

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AP Publishes Guide to Quality in Online Learning

We have published a pioneering primer on the key quality issues in online education. Edited by international higher education authorities Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić and Sir John Daniel and authored by learning experts Neil Butcher and Merridy Wilson-Strydom, A Guide to Quality in Online Learning is designed to provide insight into opportunities presented by online learning and is available to readers free of charge.

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Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Resilience. For yourself. For your students.

My friend Susan Spellman-Cann created the HaikuDeck and a blogpost, “Bent But Not Broken” to guide us in resilience.

She says, ” We need to see students as they should be and help them to see what they are capable of becoming.…

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University of North Florida Offers Four High-Demand Online Degree Programs

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. and DALLAS (Feb. 25, 2014) – The University of North Florida (UNF) today announced that it will make three of its high-demand degree programs—Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (MS, Nutrition and Dietetics) and Master of Education in Special Education with a focus on Autism (MEd, Special Education)—available online this spring.

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