AP Publishes Guide to Quality in Online Learning

We have published a pioneering primer on the key quality issues in online education. Edited by international higher education authorities Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić and Sir John Daniel and authored by learning experts Neil Butcher and Merridy Wilson-Strydom, A Guide to Quality in Online Learning is designed to provide insight into opportunities presented by online learning and is available to readers free of charge.

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Alignment: A Proven Method to Help Students Achieve Learning Goals

This is part two of a three-part series on improving the quality of your online course. Below we explain how to create course alignment to ensure students achieve learning objectives. Part one discussed how learning ……

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Learning Objectives: Building a Solid Foundation for Your Course

This is the first post of a three-part series, Improving the Quality of Your Online Course.
Whether you have been teaching for 35 years or 35 minutes, you should continually assess your course’s learning objectives.
Learning ……

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Enhance Course Quality with 7 Visual Design Tips

Effective design is vital in online learning because it’s what guides students to finding information, navigating a site, and even learning a subject. And designing effective layouts is something everyone can do with just a ……

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Monitoring the Quality of the Nursing Capstone Course

Purdue University at Calumet (PUC) understands that a student learns best through real-life experiences and practical application of course instruction. “Experiential learning” is a key element in PUC’s six-year strategic plan and supports the University’s ……

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