AP Presents Course Building: One Module at a Time at the Quality Matters SW Regional Conference 2014

QM presentationDr. Melissa Kaulbach, Vice President, Academic Services, Melanie Hovland, Assistant Director, Academic Services, and Monica Hogland, Sr. Consultant, Academic Services presented “Course Building: One Module at a Time” to a packed room at the Quality Matters Southwest Regional Conference 2014 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The interactive session addressed achieving consistency in course design through a course-building template that incorporates Quality Matters standards. We focused on the concept that utilizing a QM-oriented course-building template not only enables instructors to create consistent courses throughout entire programs, but also allows students to focus on content and learning rather than course navigation.

QM Standard 1 Slide

We showcased the AP Course Building 101: One Module at a Time course while explaining how the template addresses particular Quality Matters standards. We, then, showed “before and after” photos of an actual course that was migrated into a course-building template.

QM Standard 6 Slide 1

QM Standard 6 Slide 2

To view AP Course Building 101: One Module at a Time:

  1. Go to Canvas.
  2. Log in with the following information:
    • Username: AP_Guest
    • Password: AP_Guest
  3. Select Courses in the top navigation.
  4. Select AP Course Building 101: One Module at a Time.

Thank you to Quality Matters and all who attended!

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