Quality Matters Monday: Standard 5.3

It’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 5.3.

General Standard 5 addresses course activities and learner interaction to meet the learning objective goals.

Click here to view Quality Matters Standard 5.3 in the Quality Matters Rubric.
This standard specifically addresses the instructor’s plan for classroom response time and that feedback on assignments is clearly stated.

QM Standard 5.3 states: Frequent feedback from the instructor increases learners’ sense of engagement in a course. Learners are better able to manage their
course activities when they know upfront when to expect feedback from the instructor. Courses should provide clear information about when learners will
receive instructor responses to emails and discussion postings, feedback on assignments, and grades. This information typically appears in the course

If it is necessary to alter the response-time standards during the course, the adjustment is clearly communicated to learners.


AP Guidance: It’s always important to clearing state response time for all types of communication. And to have an actual plan for feedback on assignments
or discussions. Setting the expectations for your communication upfront keeps the students from having unrealistic expectations of 24/7 customer service.
Plus it can reduce addition questions or anxiety. Providing constructive feedback in a timely manner also helps students prepare for the next assignment
submission by using the feedback received from a previous assignment to improve the quality of future assignments. Please see:


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Click here to access Quality Matters eLearning Marketplace.
The Quality Matters eLearning Marketplace is a free, searchable database built to serve the broad QM community with an easy-to-use eLearning
product/service directory organized within the 8 general standards of the rubric as well as by user and product categories.

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