My first conference

No, no, not the first conference I attended. The first conference I’ve organized. I’m really enjoying the opportunity (try to) do all the things I’ve said about conferences that started with, “If this was my conference, I’d…”

Engaging Every Learner

That’s the theme for the 2017 UBC Okanagan Learning Conference, May 3-4, 2017.…

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Flipped Leadership

I’ve been in my new job for 5 months – Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning and Senior Advisor for Learning Initiatives at UBC Okanagan. Like everyone new to a campus, I’m learning how things work, who does what, where things are, and that will continue.…

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The hardest part of teaching?

Today was the faculty and staff Welcome Back BBQ at UBC Okanagan. My Centre for Teaching and Learning had an information table among 25 or so other campus organizations. Always on the lookout to inject a little interaction and teaching and learning, I set up a laptop and i>clicker gear to survey my new colleagues about teaching:

Survey question: What do you think is the hardest part of teaching? (photo: Peter Newbury)

Survey question: What do you think is the hardest part of teaching?

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Silent on Twitter about my job search

I use Twitter. A lot. It’s my daily, hourly,…, continuous source of information, professional development, and support, and a place where I can give back to the communities that support me when I need it.

I advocate

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There and back again.

I’m thrilled to announce that in July, I’ll be starting a new job as Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Senior Advisor for Learning Initiatives in the Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal Academic at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan.…

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