ETMOOC Anniversary #etmchat Twitter Chat

On Tuesday January 14th I hosted an #etmchat Twitter Chat for the Post Etmooc community to celebrate the anniversary of ETMOOC. My friend Susan Spellman Cann co-hosted and Alec Couros, instigator and lead learner in ETMOOC, was our guest.…

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Thank You Alec Couros

Thank you Alec Couros for being my teacher and role model for the past 4 years.

I first met you as a mentor through the Powerful Learning Practice. It was exciting to find a Canadian who was actively modeling what being a Connected Educator could look like.…

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Reflecting on ETMOOC, One Year Later

Last year I learned, collaborated and played with people from around the world because last January I joined ETMOOC, an Educational Technology and Media Massive Open Online Course. I had participated in online courses before, but I had never participated in something of this scale without knowing at least other participant; and by the time I convinced myself to take the risk and join, it had already started.…

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5 Things I Learned This Year

As the calendar turns from 2013 to 2014 I find myself looking back over all that has happened in the last twelve months. The year has been filled with great experiences. Because I am not teaching in the classroom I don’t have to plan lessons and correct so I have much more time in the evenings and on weekends.…

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#etmooc #etmchat Anniversary

From Susan Spellman-Cann we continue the gift of #ETMOOC and will enjoy an anniversary event complete with chats and Google Hangouts. Join the Post ETMOOC community and the #etmchat .

What is ETMOOC… Here is Susan Spellman-Cann‘s explanation in HaikuDeck

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad
My HaikuDeck is One Slide about the effect of #ETMOOC

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad


After ETMOOC, I reflected on the experience in a blog post –  Unfinal Reflection, because it truly has been the gift that keeps on giving.…

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A Twitter Idea #clmooc #etmooc #edquery #ce13

questionmarkblue This month, I’ve asked a few questions on Twitter — used hashtags and asked PLN. I really needed more than a few responses, and I know the Twitter PLN is an awesome place for answers. I’m wondering if we need an Education Query hashtag: #edquery

An #edquery hashtag would work like #comments4kids.…

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Twitter Verse & Digital Citizenship via @Verenanz

One of the the things that I love about Twitter is how it allows me to have real time conversations: I talk about mundaine things, collaborate, share resources, participate in Twitter Chats and play games of Twitter vs. Zombies.

Sometimes the conversations take place over a longer period of time, like the riff below that started with Verena sharing an excellent infographic she saw at Edudemic that had Teachable Moments for Digital Citizenship” target=”_blank”Teachable Moments for Digital Citizenship for teachers and included Julie Balen in Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Verena Roberts and Susan Spellman Cann in Calgary and me here in Edmonton.…

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Explore PLN (failure/success)

Technically I am a MOOC failure. One more data point for those who are tallying the high drop out rate for MOOCs in news stories across all media these days. A disappointment to Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott who facilitated Exploring Personal Learning Networks (#xplrPLN.)…

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Congratulations for Truth

Have you read Verena Roberts post yet?  Did you congratulate her on receiving the iNACOL Innovative Practice award . You know she acknowledges it is because “of all of you out there who supported and helped facilitate open classroom projects over the last year!”…

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The personal pull into social


Note: I wrote this short blog post for the Jive Software community. It was subsequently picked by and republished by DZone. It’s my thinking on whether there is in fact some connection between personal learning networks (PLNs) and social business.

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