Animated Gif’s are Fun!

Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal. I have spent the past two days looking at possibilities for creating my own animated gifs, oh besides my day job.

1st find: I didn’t have to even loggin, put in four pictures and got the following: Pretty cool.. My animated rose. eIFTQX on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

2nd find:, again, no login required but limits to three pictures. See my animated daughter here: create an animated gif
create an animated gif

Now I want you all to know, that this was not what I planned on blogging about today, but after spending an hour and ½ having fun with no learning curve, I had to share. Ah, if I really wanted to place blame, or more so THANKS to Aaron Muller’s post last night. Check out his animated gif here. Ok, next post Is planned in #etmooc, I have what I think is a great post on storyboarding vs collobartion coming soon.