The Mona Lisa Effect: or Why Da Vinci Would Have Loved Skateboarding

Mona Lisa graffiti stencil

First off, I’m sticking with this title, even though there’s some buzz on the Internet about a very different sort of “Mona Lisa Effect”.

Most of us are quite familiar with the illusive and exquisite Leonardo Da Vinci painting La Gioconda, but we forget to realize that – at least in the artist’s eyes- she was never finished.…

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The Art of Beautiful Storytelling: Storybird


 Another Summer Day photo credit: @ifatma. via photopin cc

Since January Storybird’s have been all the rage in my classroom. I had not planned it to become an ongoing project in my classroom but once word got out about the beautiful Storybird graphics it has snowballed into a phenomenon in my classroom.…

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the challenge of participating with limited access

Access on dial-up in a learning community that assumes high speed connectivity, whether home or institutional, continues to be a major challenge pursuing multiple moocs, whether concurrent or serial. Verb choice and ‘why’ can wait as topics. Now is first aid time for a prematurely published post (email glitch, sending instead of saving, which also goes to another mooc-related area, keeping the damn tools and their protocols straight

Accessing /consuming course materials is the first challenge ~ and an ongoing.…

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I’m Still Here: ETMOOC Weeks 3 and 4 and EDCMOOC Week 3

I’m calling this a placeholder post. My teaching has taken priority as the term begins to heat up, so I haven’t been able to blog much about my #etmooc or #edcmooc reflections. I am still working through the material though, and equally important, keeping up with my blog reading.…

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Humanizing #Global #Education Through E-Technologies Ppt Presentatio..

See on Scoop.itMDG Sustainable Education

Today’s students will need to both compete in a global knowledge-based economy and collaborate to devise and implement sol.. – A PowerPoint presentation

See on

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A new set of lenses

medium_2354086423Sometimes I think the experience of learning is rather more like putting on your eyeglasses, or getting a new set of prescription lenses. You see things that you have seen all along but perhaps now a bit more clearly. Or with more definition.…

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Learning in the Open: Networked Student Identities

This weekend, I gave a short presentation at a great little student conference hosted here at UPEI: Difficult Dialogues: Exploring Relationships Between Identities and Power.

(When I say “short” I mean I was still talking when the poor timekeeper started waving the STOP sign in front of my face: it’s been awhile since I tried to encapsulate ideas into fifteen minutes.)…

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Spimal tap: harnessing blogjects of the future to save the world!

Much as “spime” and “blogject” sound like pretty out there concepts, I think it is more a matter of application of technology to some already established concepts which report data in real time and broadcast to a wider audience. Some of us created a list of blogjects to add to the choking pigeons.

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