I’m Still Here: ETMOOC Weeks 3 and 4 and EDCMOOC Week 3

I’m calling this a placeholder post. My teaching has taken priority as the term begins to heat up, so I haven’t been able to blog much about my #etmooc or #edcmooc reflections. I am still working through the material though, and equally important, keeping up with my blog reading.…

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Questions about Rhizomatic Learning from a Convert: Reflections on #ETMOOC Week 3.

Week 3 of ETMOOC is complete, and once again, I am thrilled to find myself with some answers — but equally as many questions.

I finally stole an hour to watch the archive of Dave Cormier’s session on Rhizomatic Learning.  In the Q and A following the session, Dave talked about how responses to this theory tend to cluster in two camps:  those who aren’t thrilled by it, and those who recognize their own beliefs and practice in it.

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Reflections on ETMOOC, Week 2

Week 2 of ETMOOC has drawn to a close, and Week 3 is waiting in the wings. So far I have not been blogging regularly, but I have been reflecting quite a lot on the range of fascinating topics that my emergent learning community has explored.…

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It’s good to stumble…a little…now and then…

Tonight’s inaugural #etmooc Twitter chat was surprising for me. I’ve been using Twitter for some time now, mostly as a tool for maintaining personal social networks and aggregating news and research items.  I have used it as part of an informal learning network, too, to learn new skills from people with similar interests.…

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Gearing Up for #etmooc: An Introductory Post

#etmooc won’t be my first experience in a massive, open, online course: I took #CCK09 with George Siemens a few years ago, and I have lurked in a couple of the MOOCS offered by Coursera in the past year.  I have been an online instructor since 2004, and have taken other courses about educational technology, so the subject matter isn’t entirely new either.…

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