Connections Rock! My Video on Real Connections

Thanks to Alan Levine’s search for true online connections(see here), I have created my first speaking video of me discussing my real connection with Jeff Utecht. I have made a great connection with Jeff and he has been in Thailand for for the last few years while I am in New Hampshire, USA.…

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Sharing and True Connections Online

Image from

Well I just finished watching an amazing video from Alan Levine. He is looking for people to share “true stories” from connected experiences. Have you ever met that amazing blogger or shared a photo and where then asked to participate in something or speak somewhere?…

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The More you Share the More you Learn


I recently commented on a post by Jeannine St. Amand on Connected Learning and What we share in the world and I feel the need to post my reply here and expand:

We cannot just skim along, we need to go back, reread, check on comments.…

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I Need Connected Learning- #ETMOOC

Ok, here it is a Sunday afternoon and as football looms on the TV, I have just spent 3+ hours looking over various #etmooc sessions run this week as well as looking over google plus for intro’s and new posts to see what’s going on and who likes what.…

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