where is my place? time passes, lines are etched roles and…

where is my place?

time passes, lines are etched
roles and responsibilities leave their mark
my place is there
is being there enough?
does my work contribute?

space expands, routes are traveled
decisions and queries forge a path
my place is there
is being there enough?…

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Sharing and True Connections Online

Image from http://mediabistro.com

Well I just finished watching an amazing video from Alan Levine. He is looking for people to share “true stories” from connected experiences. Have you ever met that amazing blogger or shared a photo and where then asked to participate in something or speak somewhere?…

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My World: First Digital Story

So it took me quite some time to figure out what I wanted to do my first Digital Story on. And after much thought – I said to myself: “Self, why not do it about your world”. And the more I started contemplating this thought – the more I tried to define what My World meant.…

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