Openly Meandering and Learning During Open Education Week

A little exposure to openness can carry us a very, very long way, as I’m learning through my Open Education Week meanderings.

Open_Education_Week_2013_LogoInitially inspired to engage in Open Education Week ruminations and activities through my current immersion in #etmooc—an online Educational Technology & Media massive open online course (MOOC) developed by Alec Couros and colleagues—I am now finding myself nearly overwhelmed by how the current open movement module of the course is inspiring me to see rhizomatically-extending roots and shoots of “open” nearly everywhere I look.…

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The More you Share the More you Learn


I recently commented on a post by Jeannine St. Amand on Connected Learning and What we share in the world and I feel the need to post my reply here and expand:

We cannot just skim along, we need to go back, reread, check on comments.…

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