Learn everywhere #etmooc #ceetopen popcorn

We learn everywhere…

In #etmooc and #ceetopen, we encourage collaborative learning by challenging each other to try building artifacts that demonstrate understanding.

Our #ceetopen participants (and my PLN buddies Scott Boylen and Denise Krebs ) recorded very short videos of where we learn and uploaded them to a dropbox from which a single movie was created.…

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An Adventure — Digital Story Collaboration #etmooc #ceetopen


How do you create an adventure story? You invite your Professional / Personal Learning Neighborhood to join in on the fun!

Inspired by Digital StoryTelling #etmooc number seven (Choose Your Own Adventure), I adapted the idea and invited my friends, none of whom I’ve ever met!…

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Best Connectedness Video by@thecleversheep #etmooc #ceetopen

Build your Personal Learning Neighborhood

How? Learn from @thecleversheep

This presentation of Seven Degrees of Connectedness by Rodd Lucier @thecleversheep is the best introduction to connectedness, to taking a risk and starting to build a Personal/Professional Learning Network (or Neighborhood) I have seen.…

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