Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web

Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web:

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Bloggers get writer’s block too

I recently started another online course about how to teach online. This act usually is followed by more blog posts, as I try to make sense of my learning, but so far this hasn’t happened.   The first week stimulated the usual flurry of enthusiasm and creative thought. …

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The Girl With the ds106 Tattoo: Application for Cult Membership!

Descarada or descarado! In Spanish, literally translated this means faceless; figuratively it connotes shamelessness, boldness! If ds106 has gone headless, no “teach” to tell us what to do, and no face with a pair of eyes to stare into, then we’re all a bunch of descarados… defiant, uninhibited, and courageous in our creative attempts!…

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Self-Directed Learning: The Core of Successful MOOC Participation

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have gained extreme momentum since they appeared in higher education. Although many universities, vendors, and students have joined the MOOC bandwagon, we remain in the early stages of MOOCs; we’re ……

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Setting sail, master of my own ship…

From the moment I discovered that #ETMOOC had started, I signed up and started to explore the new online community. Within hours I felt totally engaged and felt an inner spark, being fanned into a raging fire—a fire to learn and apply my learning to my current work challenges.…

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#ETMOOC ….the ride begins


I like to keep things simple even in the midst of apparent I am picking three words to describe what I want to focus on in this MOOC: community, communication, and transparency.
Community–building a sustainable network for learning and personal growth
Communication–how to encourage and support engagement through multiple tools and techniques
Transparency–making learning visible, sharing motives without hidden agendas

Tagged: #ETMOOC, connected learning, online communication, online community, PLN, self-directed learning.

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Advice (to myself) on working in the #etmooc

In “Is that a question I see before me?” Stacey Kerr remarks that holding a question in mind when she sits down to read through the content of the MOOC is a helpful strategy she discovered at the advice of another participant, Jeff Merrell.…

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