Bloggers get writer’s block too

I recently started another online course about how to teach online. This act usually is followed by more blog posts, as I try to make sense of my learning, but so far this hasn’t happened.   The first week stimulated the usual flurry of enthusiasm and creative thought. …

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Bringing digital literacies into focus

Like many of my #etmooc colleagues I am suffering from an excess of information. I have been gorging myself on blogs, and twitter feeds; following interesting links, watching YouTube videos, seeing and hearing stories about what it means to be literate in a digital world.…

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Like the Energizer Bunny, I just keep going and going(in the flow)

All the posts, the tools and story starters this week have got me thinking  about creativity; in fact in dialoging with Mary Lee Newmann on my last blog, I wrote in a comment, “I needed this lesson (all our discussion about digital story telling) to remind me how important it is to exercise our “creativity muscles”.  …

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Digital Storytelling in Academia? You’ve got to be kidding!

This was my first reaction to the current topic focus in #etmooc.  I couldn’t imagine how digital storytelling fits into the academic milieu.  In fact I suspected that there is a lot of resistance to digital stories as a pedagogic method. …

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Learning Community-the Critical Ingredient

During the Dave Cormier session last week, Alec Couros used these words to describe etmooc:  ”we all decided to walk through the same door on the Internet so we could think together.”  And think we do.  And chat. And share.…

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Learning Community-the Critical Ingredient

During the Dave Cormier session last week, Alec Couros used these words to describe etmooc:  “we all decided to walk through the same door on the Internet so we could think together.”  And think we do.  And chat. And share.…

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Setting sail, master of my own ship…

From the moment I discovered that #ETMOOC had started, I signed up and started to explore the new online community. Within hours I felt totally engaged and felt an inner spark, being fanned into a raging fire—a fire to learn and apply my learning to my current work challenges.…

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#ETMOOC ….the ride begins


I like to keep things simple even in the midst of apparent I am picking three words to describe what I want to focus on in this MOOC: community, communication, and transparency.
Community–building a sustainable network for learning and personal growth
Communication–how to encourage and support engagement through multiple tools and techniques
Transparency–making learning visible, sharing motives without hidden agendas

Tagged: #ETMOOC, connected learning, online communication, online community, PLN, self-directed learning.

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