Ode to my PLN

Dissertation book spine

Well, look what arrived at my home, yesterday, the hardcover copies of my dissertation! I was actually surprised at how thrilling it was to see my work published in such an official manner. As I opened the cover and looked inside, I was most struck by the copyright page.…

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Please leave the lights on…

ETMOOC success
According to the literature on collaboration, connectivism, community-building, and adult and transformational learning theories, and guided by the philosophy of Freire (1970), who stressed that learning is a social act and that dialogue is the heart of education, ETMOOC was successful because it provided participants a community built on trust, challenge, self-direction, relevance, and passion.…

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Rhizomatic Learning – too cool for school?

It doesn’t usually take me this long to get down to writing a post, but reflecting on the Rhizomatic Learning (RL) session with Dave Cormier has had me stumped … as indeed it did Dave. It’s not that it’s a particularly difficult idea, making as it does a metaphorical link with the way certain plants […]

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Let’s Find Out!



I recently read the following comment by Ms. Edwards on Denise Krebs’ post Connected Learning, Thanks to My Neighbors as Denise was contemplating self-determined or rhizomatic learning:

“I think you show part of self-determined learning when you say “I don’t know yet.”

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Writer’s Jam



It happened, writer’s block, or maybe I should call it writer’s jam because that might be a better description. Like this image, I have numerous connected learning logs trying to squeeze through into one coherent, flowing post but nothing is getting through.…

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